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Practice using the Spanish verb Decir

Here’s a quiz to practice Decir, out loud, in a wide variety of sentence contexts.

Full Podcast Episode


Let’s talk “over” all our new vocabulary.

Intro: Join us on a rigorous, step-by-step journey to fluency. I’m Timothy and this is LearnCraft Spanish.

Today we have a big quiz to practice using the verb Decir.

But first, another comment on the preposition sobre, which we’ve learned means “above”, “over”, or “on top of”. This word actually has another use: It can sometimes be used to refer to talking “over” something, or talking “about” something. For example:

I said something about those things.

Dije algo sobre esas cosas.

Now, we could have used the preposition de in this case, but actually this is a very common use of the word sobre.

Try this yourself in the first example of today’s quiz.

It’s late, I don’t want to say anything about that.

Es tarde, no quiero decir nada sobre eso.

I tell you that I will know it.

Te digo que lo sabré.

My brother and I said that we love our family.

Mi hermano y yo dijimos que queremos a nuestra familia.

Beforehand, she had been opposed to them.

Antes, ella había estado en su contra.

The opportunity isn’t theirs yet.

La oportunidad todavía no es suya.

If they wanted our help, they would say it.

Si quisieran nuestra ayuda, lo dirían.

As far as I know, they are telling the truth.

Que yo sepa, están diciendo la verdad.

Yesterday she wanted to tell him something.

Ayer quería decirle algo.

In that case, they would have to do it again.

En ese caso, lo tendrían que hacer de vuelta.

She said that they went to the party afterwards.

Dijo que fueron a la fiesta después.

I don’t want you to tell them that, especially to your mother.

No quiero que les digas eso, sobre todo a tu madre.

I want you to know that they are telling the truth.

Quiero que sepas que ellos dicen la verdad.

You have to obey your mom, then you can go.

Tienes que hacerle caso a tu mamá, entonces puedes ir.

If you say it, it might be that they also say it.

Si lo dices, puede que ellos también lo digan.

I was saying that she is under the table.

Decía que ella está bajo the table.

Decía que ella está bajo la mesa.

I want to tell you that there isn’t anything between us.

Quiero decirte que no hay nada entre nosotros.

I was telling that to my wife anew.

Le decía eso a mi esposa de nuevo.

If you wanted to go, you could go later.

Si quisieras ir, podrías ir luego.

You have to tell me that, then I’ll know it.

Tienes que decirme eso, entonces lo sabré.

We said that she was against the wall.

Dijimos que estaba contra the wall.

Dijimos que estaba contra la pared.

I said I didn’t want to do that while he was saying those things.

Dije que no quería hacer eso mientras él decía esas cosas.

She wants me to tell her that I have a little bit of time.

Ella quiere que yo le diga que tengo un poco de tiempo.

We know they are starting from that place.

Sabemos que they are starting desde ese lugar.

Sabemos que empiezan desde ese lugar.

Say the manner of doing this!

¡Di la manera de hacer esto!

He will tell you that it’s yours(m).

Te dirá que es tuyo.

The walk I had with my husband and my daughter was nice.

La vuelta que I gave con mi esposo y mi hija fue buena.

La vuelta que di con mi esposo y mi hija fue buena.

Tell him he is not going towards the place.

Dile que no va hacia el lugar.

That’s the place where my dad sleeps, that is, his favorite place.

Ese es el lugar donde mi papá sleeps o sea, su lugar favorite.

Ese es el lugar donde mi papá duerme, o sea, su lugar favorito.

Where is that little kid going?

¿Adónde va ese niño?

He says that we want to ask a question.

Dice que queremos hacer una pregunta.

I want my sister to tell me if they are going without my father.

Quiero que mi hermana me diga si van sin mi padre.

If you knew what day is today, you wouldn’t know what to say.

Si supieras qué día es hoy, no sabrías qué decir.

You said these people have been here since this morning.

Dijiste que esta gente ha estado aquí desde esta mañana.

Yes, because by that time, she will be here again.

Sí, porque para entonces, estará aquí de vuelta.

I want them to know that I’ll do whatever they want.

Quiero que sepan que haré lo que quieran.

Tell me if the little girl hasn’t done it yet.

Dime si la niña no lo ha hecho aún.

We always tell our son to be home before 3.

Siempre le decimos a nuestro hijo que esté en casa antes de las tres.

Tomorrow that dude is going to be there after the party.

Mañana ese tipo va a estar ahí después de la fiesta.

From now on they want us to say that, whatever it is.

Desde ya quieren que digamos eso, sea lo que sea.

They said he was at a party three days ago, during the week.

Dijeron que estuvo en una fiesta hace tres días, durante la semana.

The baby hasn’t said anything yet.

El bebé no ha dicho nada aún.

I’ll tell you the path, but you have to know that it’s mine.

Te diré el camino, pero tienes que saber que es mío.

For more practice with all of this, go to LCSPodcast.com/85.

Next week we’re going to learn how to say “give” in Spanish, and we’ll also start to talk about parts of the body, such as the hands, heart, and mind.

This show is brought to you by LearnCraftSpanish.com. The Spanish voice in this episode was our coach Michael Agudelo. Our music was performed by the Seattle Marimba Quartet, and I’m Timothy, encouraging you to do the hard work of learning Spanish. Acquiring a second language is one of the most fulfilling things you can do, so start your fluency journey today at LCSPodcast.com.

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