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Practice Oír and Escuchar

Let’s practice the verbs Oír and Escuchar, as well as everything else we’ve learned this week, using a big quiz. Try to predict the Spanish, and make sure to practice out loud!

Full Podcast Episode


No es tan difícil.

Intro: Join us on a rigorous, step-by-step journey to fluency. I’m Timothy and this is LearnCraft Spanish.

Let’s do a quiz to practice Oír, Escuchar, Trabajar, and everything else we’ve learned this week.

I heard that she was working at that place.

Oí que ella trabajaba en ese lugar.

Listen, I have more than ten.

Escucha, tengo más de diez.

My car doesn’t look like the picture.

Mi coche no se parece a la foto.

I don’t want them to hear the boat.

No quiero que oigan el barco.

I work now where she used to work.

Yo trabajo ahora donde ella trabajaba.

She never hears anything, I don’t know how it’s possible.

Nunca oye nada, no sé cómo es posible.

Hey, work! It’s not so difficult.

¡Oye, trabaja! No es tan difícil.

She listens to everyone and that’s why she works here.

Ella escucha a todos y por eso trabaja aquí.

(Formal) Listen! That plane is longer than I thought.

¡Oiga! Ese avión es más largo de lo que creía.

Hey! Have you heard the train?

¡Oye! ¿Has oído el tren?

He has to listen to me, the movie is not good.

Me tiene que escuchar, la película no es buena.

(Plural) Listen! I’m working, so I’ll be the third one(f).

¡Oigan! Estoy trabajando, así que seré la tercera.

There are more than two planes in the air.

Hay más de dos aviones en el aire.

I listened to him because he looks like me.

Lo escuché porque se parece a mí.

She heard you work in a small place.

Oyó que trabajas en un lugar pequeño.

I want her to listen to me, this is the fourth time I say it.

Quiero que me escuche, esta es la cuarta vez que lo digo.

It’s easy to work here the second time.

Es fácil trabajar aquí la segunda vez.

(Formal) Listen! She is older than what you want.

¡Escuche! Ella es mayor de lo que usted quiere.

Maybe they will listen, but I don’t think they will do it.

Quizás me escuchen, pero no creo que lo hagan.

You never hear what I hear, but I don’t care, I want her to hear it.

Nunca oyes lo que yo oigo, pero no me importa, quiero que ella lo oiga.

(Plural) Listen! He doesn’t look like me, he isn’t strong.

¡Escuchen! Él no se parece a mí, no es fuerte.

Listen to me! I want to go.

¡Escúchame! Quiero ir.

For more practice with all of this, go to LCSPodcast.com/140.

Next week, we’ll learn the verb for “understand”, as well as some more numbers and nouns.

This show is brought to you by LearnCraftSpanish.com. The Spanish voice in this episode was our coach Michael Agudelo. Our music was performed by the Seattle Marimba Quartet, and I’m Timothy, encouraging you to do the hard work of learning Spanish. Acquiring a second language is one of the most fulfilling things you can do, so start your fluency journey today at LCSPodcast.com.

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