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Practice Dar

Practice the Spanish verb Dar out loud, in a variety of sentence contexts, by speaking along with today’s episode.

Full Podcast Episode


Time to practice Dar and cual.

Intro: Join us on a rigorous, step-by-step journey to fluency. I’m Timothy and this is LearnCraft Spanish.

Today we have a huge quiz to practice Dar and everything else we’ve learned this week.

Before we dive in, I have one more note about the word cual. As we learned this week, this word can mean “which” in situations like this:

I was at the party, which was very lively.

Estaba en la fiesta, la cual era muy viva.

So cual, as a connecting word, tends to have an article right before it. But sometimes that article is lo. This will happen when the thing that you’re referring to isn’t a specific noun with a specific grammatical gender. Check out this sentence:

They left yesterday, which was very sad.

So in this sentence, when we say “which”, we’re not referring to any particular noun, like a house or a party. We’re just referring to the whole idea. In this situation, we’ll use lo cual.

Se fueron ayer, lo cual fue muy triste.

So the phrase lo cual is a lot like the word eso, because you’ll use it to point at some general idea that doesn’t have a specific noun attached. Try it out yourself in this example:

They don’t have it anymore, which isn’t good.

Ya no lo tienen, lo cual no es bueno.

Watch for a couple of uses of lo cual on today’s quiz. All right, with that in mind, let’s dive in.

If you do it in that manner, I can’t give you anything.

Si lo haces de esa manera, no puedo darte nada.

Many have given her trouble, but you gave her more than anyone.

Muchos le han dado problemas, pero tú le diste más que nadie.

The man whom we went with has a serious face.

El hombre con quien fuimos tiene una cara seria.

Juan or Oscar will do it, even though they have to go there again.

Juan u Oscar lo harán, aunque tengan que ir ahí de vuelta.

We did that, which is not good.

Hicimos eso, lo cual no es bueno.

Give me that! If not, you have to tell me where it is.

¡Dame eso! Si no, tienes que decirme dónde está.

She will be there while you do your things.

Estará ahí mientras haces tus cosas.

He has a big head but a small body.

Tiene una cabeza grande pero un cuerpo small.

Tiene una cabeza grande pero un cuerpo pequeño.

Why don’t you give it to me now? Yesterday you gave it to me.

¿Por qué no me lo das ahora? Ayer me lo diste.

The little girl has very big eyes.

La niña tiene ojos muy grandes.

I don’t give you a lot of things because you don’t want to give me anything.

No te doy muchas cosas porque tú no me quieres dar nada.

Sofía and Isabel have a very big heart.

Sofía e Isabel tienen un corazón muy grande.

Do you want me to give you a hand with that in return?

¿Quieres que te dé una mano con eso de vuelta?

Do you want to do them that favor so that they give you your things?

¿Quieres hacerles ese favor para que te den tus cosas?

The man always goes for a walk around his house at that time.

El hombre siempre da una vuelta por su casa a esa hora.

Which ones do you have? For the truth is I want all of them.

¿Cuáles tienes? Pues la verdad es que quiero todos.

If they say it to him, then we’ll be in trouble.

Si se lo dicen, entonces estaremos en problemas.

They didn’t say anything about today, so we can go for a walk.

No dijeron nada sobre hoy, así que podemos dar una vuelta.

Can you give me that?

¿Puedes darme eso?

If you do me that favor, I’ll give this to you.

Si me haces ese favor, te daré esto.

Give her that, please! The woman wants your help.

¡Dale eso, por favor! La mujer quiere tu ayuda.

He always says he wants you to give him your things.

Siempre dice que quiere que le des tus cosas.

He had an accident and now he has a problem in his mouth.

Tuvo an accident y ahora tiene un problema en su boca.

Tuvo un accidente y ahora tiene un problema en su boca.

She gave me hers(m), which was a big help.

Me dio el suyo, lo cual fue una gran ayuda.

I don’t want her to say anything to the man.

No quiero que le diga nada al hombre.

He’ll have to give us a hand if he wants us to give it to him.

Tendrá que darnos una mano si quiere que se lo demos.

Who(plural) went to the party?

¿Quiénes fueron a la fiesta?

We(f) gave her something.

Nosotras le dimos algo.

A loved one will do those things, which will not be easy.

Un ser querido hará esas cosas, las cuales no serán easy.

Un ser querido hará esas cosas, las cuales no serán fáciles.

He’s a very good being, we have to give him whatever he wants.

Es un ser muy bueno, tenemos que darle lo que quiera.

We give you those things, which are not ours.

Te damos esas cosas, las cuales no son nuestras.

Tell the truth! They(f) gave it to you.

¡Di la verdad! Ellas te lo dieron.

In my mind, I gave you that and not they.

En mi mente, yo te di eso y no ellos.

I’m telling you that he will give you what you want.

Te digo que él te dará lo que quieres.

It’s all the same to me because you never say anything.

Me da lo mismo porque nunca dices nada.

Give her what you have! She has given you her things in the past.

¡Dale lo que tienes! Ella te ha dado sus cosas en el pasado.

Tell me, do you really want my friend to give you that?

Dime, ¿de verdad quieres que mi amigo te dé eso?

They were giving me those things when I found out about them.

Me estaban dando esas cosas cuando supe sobre ellos.

You said you would do it while you were at home.

Dijiste que lo harías mientras estabas en casa.

I gave him what he wanted because they always give it to him.

Le di lo que quería porque ellos siempre se lo dan.

The problem is in your mother’s hands.

El problema está en manos de tu madre.

Afterwards, we can say something.

Después, podemos decir algo.

I will only say that there was a lot of blood in the place.

Solo diré que había mucha sangre en el lugar.

Today I will say all of that to my dear friend(f).

Hoy le diré todo eso a mi querida amiga.

For more practice with all of this, go to LCSPodcast.com/90.

Next week, we’re going to learn the Spanish verb for “put”, and we’ll also learn the nouns for “class”, “team”, “love”, and “fear”.

This show is brought to you by LearnCraftSpanish.com. The Spanish voice in this episode was our coach Ximena Lama-Rondón. Our music was performed by the Seattle Marimba Quartet, and I’m Timothy, encouraging you to do the hard work of learning Spanish. Acquiring a second language is one of the most fulfilling things you can do, so start your fluency journey today at LCSPodcast.com.

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