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Practice Conseguir and Funcionar

Let’s use a big spoken Spanish quiz to practice Conseguir, Funcionar, Ganar, Pagar and everything else we’ve learned this week!

Full Podcast Episode



Intro: Join us on a rigorous, step-by-step journey to fluency. I’m Timothy and this is LearnCraft Spanish.

Let’s use a big quiz to practice Conseguir, Funcionar, and everything else we’ve learned this week. Make sure to speak out loud!

I haven’t used the new bridge in the park.

No he usado el nuevo puente en el parque.

We never win, it’s impossible.

Nunca ganamos, es imposible.

You can use it at the square, but not at any other site.

Puedes usarlo en la plaza, pero no en ningún otro sitio.

I want him to pay for the coffee, because I always pay.

Quiero que pague el café, porque yo siempre pago.

I don’t think it will work, but still tell it to him.

No creo que funcione, pero igual díselo.

I don’t earn much money because they don’t pay me much.

No gano mucho dinero porque no me pagan mucho.

Did you win money? Give it to him!

¿Ganaste dinero? ¡Dáselo!

(Formal) Pay at the entrance!

¡Pague en la entrada!

I haven’t gotten it(f), give it to me!

No la he conseguido, ¡dámela!

If you follow the sidewalk, you’ll get to the right address.

Si sigues la acera, llegarás a la dirección correcta.

I always get it, but we never use it.

Siempre lo consigo, pero nunca lo usamos.

I want him to win because he is excellent.

Quiero que él gane porque es excelente.

If you use that on the road, it will be weird, so give it to me.

Si usas eso en la carretera, será raro, así que dámelo.

You never win and she always gets what she wants.

Tú nunca ganas y ella siempre consigue lo que quiere.

She always uses the bridge to get to the other state.

Siempre usa el puente para llegar al otro estado.

He can’t get anything in that area of the city.

No puede conseguir nada en esa zona de la ciudad.

(Formal) Get a new area for our game!

¡Consiga una nueva zona para nuestro juego!

He didn’t win and you have to tell it to him.

No ganó y tienes que decírselo.

We didn’t win, the game was terrible.

No ganamos, el juego fue terrible.

The entrance of this site is on the other side of the plaza.

La entrada de este sitio está en el otro lado de la plaza.

He used the sidewalk because it was safe.

Usó la acera porque era segura.

He never pays and that’s why those things don’t work.

Nunca paga y por eso esas cosas no funcionan.

I was using the phone we got.

Usaba el teléfono que conseguimos.

Did you get the same one that he uses?

¿Conseguiste el mismo que él usa?

You haven’t paid, but if you pay, you get it.

No has pagado, pero si pagas, lo consigues.

Get it before I win.

Consíguelo antes de que yo gane.

He didn’t get it, even though he paid for it.

No lo consiguió, aunque lo pagó.

He has been winning for years, I don’t think he has to pay.

Ha estado ganando por años, no creo que tenga que pagar.

Even if I pay, this still doesn’t work.

Aunque pague, esto no funciona.

I don’t want her to use it, because she’ll be in hell.

No quiero que lo use, porque estará en un infierno.

This is stupid, she always wins.

Esto es estúpido, ella siempre gana.

I didn’t win, but I got money.

No gané, pero conseguí dinero.

Welcome to the third floor! It’s the most fun.

¡Bienvenido al tercer piso! Es el más divertido.

Pay for something new! You have to get it in this space.

¡Paga por algo nuevo! Tienes que conseguirlo en este espacio.

The exit isn’t the window, we are on the second floor.

La salida no es la ventana, estamos en el segundo piso.

If you want to win more space, tell it to me.

Si quieres ganar más espacio, dímelo.

This isn’t working, the floor isn’t safe.

Esto no está funcionando, el suelo no es seguro.

When they win, it’s always interesting.

Cuando ganan, siempre es interesante.

I want him to get what he has earned.

Quiero que consiga lo que ha ganado.

We didn’t use it, so I won’t pay for it.

No lo usamos, así que no lo pagaré.

He wants me to use the next exit.

Quiere que use la próxima salida.

Do you know the address for our destination?

¿Sabes la dirección para nuestro destino?

I live in a new state where they use this all the time.

Vivo en un nuevo estado donde usan esto todo el tiempo.

I’ll get it when I get to my destination.

Lo conseguiré cuando llegue a mi destino.

He’ll pay for the things he’s been using.

Pagará por las cosas que ha estado usando.

He was using my things without telling me it.

Usaba mis cosas sin decírmelo.

If we get enough people, the park will work.

Si conseguimos suficientes personas, el parque funcionará.

I always use the living room window, but you can’t use it.

Yo siempre uso la ventana de la sala, pero tú no puedes usarla.

It didn’t work, this is still hell.

No funcionó, esto aún es un infierno.

(Formal) Use the road, or if you can’t, tell it to me.

Use la carretera, o si no puede, dígamelo.

They have to tell it to us before telling it to you.

Tienen que decírnoslo antes de decírtelo.

I have to give it to him so he can use it.

Tengo que dárselo para que lo pueda usar.

She wants me to get a new job.

Ella quiere que yo consiga un nuevo trabajo.

For more practice with all of this, go to LCSPodcast.com/230.

Next week, we’ll learn the verbs for “swear”, “promise”, “wish”, and “run”, as well as some really fun new nouns, including the words for “cat”, “clock”, “computer”, and “key”.

This show is brought to you by LearnCraftSpanish.com. The Spanish voice in this episode was our coach Ximena Lama-Rondón. Our music was performed by the Seattle Marimba Quartet, and I’m Timothy, encouraging you to do the hard work of learning Spanish. Acquiring a second language is one of the most fulfilling things you can do, so start your fluency journey today at LCSPodcast.com.

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