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Practice Andar and Regresar

Let’s get lots of spoken practice with verbs Andar and Regresar, as well as our new nouns, numbers, and everything else we’ve learned this week. Predict the Spanish and speak out loud!

Full Podcast Episode


Vas a tener éxito.

Intro: Join us on a rigorous, step-by-step journey to fluency. I’m Timothy and this is LearnCraft Spanish.

Let’s use a big quiz to practice Andar, Regresar, our new nouns, and everything else we’ve learned this week.

We were riding in the car, but they were walking by foot.

Andábamos en auto, pero ellos andaban a pie.

(plural) Come back! We still have eighty-two hours.

¡Regresen! Todavía tenemos ochenta y dos horas.

He was riding the train and talking about business when the attack occurred.

Andaba en tren y hablaba de negocios cuando sucedió el ataque.

I’ll return in three days, but they want you to return tomorrow.

Yo regresaré en tres días, pero ellos quieren que regreses mañana.

He rides the car when he goes to that place, but he returns by foot.

Anda en auto cuando va a ese lugar, pero regresa a pie.

Why do you ride the car to the race?

¿Por qué andas en auto a la carrera?

We’re riding the train, but we don’t know when we’re going to come back.

Andamos en tren, pero no sabemos cuándo vamos a regresar.

Let’s go back! There are eighty-one people who await us for the surprise.

¡Regresemos! Hay ochenta y una personas que nos esperan para la sorpresa.

On the other hand, you came back on time to go to that business.

Por otro lado, regresaste a tiempo para ir a ese negocio.

(formal) Come back here! We rode the train for hours and we have to go to the wedding.

¡Regrese aquí! Anduvimos en tren por horas y tenemos que ir a la boda.

To her surprise, the names of those people have eighty-nine letters.

Para su sorpresa, los nombres de esas personas tienen ochenta y nueve letras.

I came back late and couldn’t go to the meeting of that business.

Regresé tarde y no pude ir a la reunión de ese negocio.

She can’t go to just any place, she’s eighty-four years old.

No puede ir a un lugar cualquiera, tiene ochenta y cuatro años.

Why were you riding the train with the eighty-one kids?

¿Por qué andabas en tren con los ochenta y un chicos?

She’s ninety-three years old and she didn’t get along well for a while.

Tiene noventa y tres años y no anduvo bien por un tiempo.

Walk by foot! It’s just ten minutes, you can go by foot.

¡Anda a pie! Son solo diez minutos, puedes ir a pie.

Needless to say, we always come back on time.

Está por demás decir que siempre regresamos a tiempo.

I return because I want to follow another degree program.

Regreso porque quiero seguir otra carrera.

You’re ninety-one? I thought you were ninety-seven.

¿Tienes noventa y uno? Creía que tenías noventa y siete.

My mission is to see the ninety-eight animals that are walking around there.

Mi misión es ver los noventa y ocho animales que andan por ahí.

They walked by foot for hours, but they couldn’t see the fight.

Anduvieron a pie por horas, pero no pudieron ver la pelea.

She wants me to come back soon, but my career comes first.

Quiere que regrese pronto, pero mi carrera viene primero.

Come back! You know it was a mistake and that you’ll be successful.

¡Regresa! Sabes que fue un error y que vas a tener éxito.

He’s still riding the car, that’s why he didn’t return.

Está andando en auto todavía, por eso no regresó.

We’re going to ride the car and listen to that song like ninety-six times.

Vamos a andar en auto y escuchar esa canción como noventa y seis veces.

He had an accident when he was listening to music and he still hasn't returned.

Tuvo un accidente cuando escuchaba música y todavía no ha regresado.

Don’t ever come back! I don't want either you or your friends to come back.

¡No regreses nunca! No quiero que ni tú ni tus amigos regresen.

I was riding the car because I wanted to see the eighty-five people.

Andaba en auto porque quería ver a las ochenta y cinco personas.

What time are you coming back? I have a problem with my foot and can’t go alone.

¿A qué hora regresas? Tengo un problema con mi pie y no puedo ir solo.

He’s the only one standing because he already finished his homework.

Él es el único que está de pie porque ya terminó su tarea.

I want her to return soon, but I know she'll return in a month.

Quiero que regrese pronto, pero sé que regresará en un mes.

He was going to help us with our project, so we returned there.

Nos iba a ayudar con nuestro proyecto, así que regresamos ahí.

Did you get along well? I got along badly.

¿Anduviste bien? Yo anduve mal.

I listen to that song when I ride the car, but I don’t understand the lyrics.

Escucho esa canción cuando ando en auto, pero no entiendo la letra.

For more practice with all of this, go to LCSPodcast.com/205.

Next week, we’ll learn the verbs for “sleep” and “get married”, as well as a bunch of new nouns related to the human body, including the words for “health”, “sickness”, and “medicine”.

This show is brought to you by LearnCraftSpanish.com. The Spanish voice in this episode was our coach Michael Agudelo. Our music was performed by the Seattle Marimba Quartet, and I’m Timothy, encouraging you to do the hard work of learning Spanish. Acquiring a second language is one of the most fulfilling things you can do, so start your fluency journey today at LCSPodcast.com.

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