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Practice Poner and Suponer

Let’s practice Poner and Suponer, including Suponerse and the idiom por supuesto, using a big quiz. Speak along to practice out loud!

Full Podcast Episode


Se supone que…

Intro: Join us on a rigorous, step-by-step journey to fluency. I’m Timothy and this is LearnCraft Spanish.

Today we have a big quiz to practice Poner, our verb for “to put”, and Suponer, our verb for “to suppose”.

But first let’s learn a couple more uses of Suponer that are very common. Check out this sentence in English:

He is supposed to be here tomorrow.

So this is a bit different from what we’ve been practicing. This particular sentence doesn’t describe anyone as supposing or guessing anything; it’s just generally “supposed”, by nobody in particular. The way that this works in Spanish is we use a reflexive version of Suponer. Here’s how that sentence would look:

Se supone que estará aquí mañana.

So we’re literally saying “it supposes itself that he will be here tomorrow”.

Here’s another example:

Supposedly there’s nobody here.

Se supone que no hay nadie aquí.

So in that case we used the adverb “supposedly”, which in Spanish is very often translated as se supone que.

Now what if we wanted to put this in the past? For example:

I was with her, and supposedly we were friends.

In this case, we’ll use the imperfect form, suponía, which we didn’t learn yesterday. Here’s the full example:

Estaba con ella, y se suponía que éramos amigos.

Here’s another idiom, and this one uses supuesto, the participle that means “supposed”. A common way to say “of course!” in Spanish is ¡por supuesto! For example:

Of course! I want to go with you.

¡Por supuesto! Quiero ir contigo.

Sometimes when this is used at the beginning of a phrase, you’ll get a que right after it to describe what is supposed to be obvious. So here’s another way that same example could go:

Of course I want to go with you!

¡Por supuesto que quiero ir contigo!

Let’s practice por supuesto, se supone que, and se suponía que.

Supposedly she is not going to be here during the party.

Se supone que ella no va a estar aquí durante la fiesta.

Supposedly they did know the story.

Se suponía que ellos sí sabían la historia.

We gave it to her, of course! She told you that.

Se lo dimos, ¡por supuesto! Ella te dijo eso.

Supposedly they were going to put the things in that place.

Se suponía que iban a poner las cosas en ese lugar.

If I really want to go? ¡Of course!

¿Si realmente quiero ir? ¡Por supuesto!

Supposedly you(formal) have to put yourself in his place before saying that.

Se supone que usted tiene que ponerse en su lugar antes de decir eso.

All right, watch for a few examples of these idioms on this week’s final quiz. Let’s dive in. In this first example, to say that someone told you “of course”, you actually say that they said “that of course”, or que por supuesto.

I asked them if they were going to do it and they said that of course.

Les I asked si iban a hacerlo y dijeron que por supuesto.

Les pregunté si iban a hacerlo y dijeron que por supuesto.

There’s a need to give the police what we found that day.

Hay que darle a la policía lo que we found ese día.

Hay que darle a la policía lo que encontramos ese día.

That is not the best way to put the clothes on, you have to do it this way.

Esa no es la mejor manera de ponerte la ropa, tienes que hacerlo así.

You know I’m always comfortable with you.

Sabes que siempre estoy a gusto contigo.

Have you told him what you put(present) in the food so that it has that taste?

¿Le has dicho lo que pones en the food para que tenga ese taste?

¿Le has dicho lo que pones en la comida para que tenga ese sabor?

We did it before, which was not a good idea.

Lo hicimos antes, lo cual no fue una buena idea.

If you want to do it with affection, you have to put yourself in her shoes.

Si quieres hacerlo con cariño, tienes que ponerte en su lugar.

They want us to put the things there because they didn’t put them.

Quieren que pongamos las cosas ahí porque ellos no las pusieron.

He always puts his things there but now he wants me to put them here.

Siempre pone sus cosas ahí pero ahora quiere que yo las ponga aquí.

That’s why the team and I don’t put that there.

Por eso el equipo y yo no ponemos eso ahí.

Can you put on those new clothes?

¿Puedes ponerte esa ropa nueva?

You did so much today.

Hiciste tanto hoy.

I’m going to put the clothes on, but I’m going to give them back to her.

Voy a ponerme la ropa, pero se la voy a dar de vuelta.

What luck! They said that of course they would go.

¡Qué suerte! Dijeron que por supuesto irían.

Supposedly he put it there, but I don’t know where it is.

Se suponía que él lo puso ahí, pero no sé dónde está.

We aren’t lucky because they don’t even want to go.

No tenemos suerte porque ni siquiera quieren ir.

My mother supposes that her friends(f) aren’t going to go either.

Mi madre supone que sus amigas no van a ir tampoco.

We gave all our things to the man who was there.

Le dimos todas nuestras cosas al hombre quien estaba ahí.

He always supposes I’m the problem, so I won’t say anything.

Siempre supone que soy el problema, así que no diré nada.

Maybe we’ll go today, but we aren’t sure.

Quizá vayamos hoy, pero no estamos seguros.

Have you at least done it? Putting that there was important.

¿Siquiera lo has hecho? Poner eso ahí era important.

¿Siquiera lo has hecho? Poner eso ahí era importante.

Still, the team wasn’t there, so it’s all the same to me.

Igual, el equipo no estuvo ahí, así que me da igual.

Put your things there!

¡Pon tus cosas ahí!

Many have had problems with you for that reason.

Muchos han tenido problemas contigo por esa razón.

They always put the things in another place, so don’t give them anything.

Siempre ponen las cosas en otro lugar, así que no les des nada.

(formal) Put this on before leaving the house.

Póngase esto antes de irse de la casa.

I’m putting her things in that place very carefully.

Pongo sus cosas en ese lugar con mucho cuidado.

Put it there, please. I put it there before.

Ponlo ahí, por favor. Yo lo puse ahí antes.

My friend from that class used to say we were the best.

Mi amiga de esa clase decía que éramos los mejores.

We want them to put the things that they have there.

Queremos que pongan las cosas que tienen ahí.

I have to suppose that they still have not done it.

Tengo que suponer que todavía no lo han hecho.

I supposed you weren’t there and that’s why I did it.

Supuse que no estabas ahí y por eso lo hice.

We’ll do it in order for you to put your things there.

Lo haremos para que pongas tus cosas ahí.

Can she put that on? You put it on and it was fine.

¿Ella puede ponerse eso? Tú te lo pusiste y estaba bien.

Almost everyone was there because of the party.

Casi todos estaban ahí por la fiesta.

Put that on! And we want her to put on those clothes too.

¡Ponte eso! Y queremos que ella se ponga esa ropa también.

We put that there before because you had put it in another place.

Pusimos eso ahí antes porque lo habías puesto en otro lugar.

We always say exactly the same thing.

Siempre decimos exactamente lo mismo.

I want him to put it there after the party.

Quiero que lo ponga ahí después de la fiesta.

I guess you haven’t done anything here before.

Supongo que no has hecho nada aquí antes.

In my mind, that is way too big for your house.

En mi mente, eso es demasiado grande para tu casa.

I supposed there was going to be peace in this place, but now I’m afraid.

Supuse que iba a haber paz en este lugar, pero ahora tengo miedo.

I’m really sad because I was very fond of her.

Estoy realmente triste porque le tenía mucho cariño.

Maybe she wants to put on what you gave her.

Quizás quiera ponerse lo que tú le diste.

Darling, they said you can’t do that tomorrow.

Cariño, dijeron que no puedes hacer eso mañana.

Supposedly you have the love of your family.

Se supone que tienes el amor de tu familia.

For more practice with all of this, go to LCSPodcast.com/95.

Next week we’re going to learn the verbs for “see” and “come”, as well as a bunch of new adjectives and nouns for physical objects such as “food”, “water”, “money”, and “car”.

This show is brought to you by LearnCraftSpanish.com. The Spanish voice in this episode was our coach Michael Agudelo. Our music was performed by the Seattle Marimba Quartet, and I’m Timothy, encouraging you to do the hard work of learning Spanish. Acquiring a second language is one of the most fulfilling things you can do, so start your fluency journey today at LCSPodcast.com.

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